The diagrams depicted are recommended for use in installation of the concrete bases. Ericsson Mfg. Ltd. does not produce the lifting tools but scrap sign post can often be used to create a version of the diagram.
The lifting tool center piece (3 ft in length) made from standard sign post material.
The handle (1 ft length) can be made from angle iron, flat bar, or a square tube piece. For use with the freestanding base, it is recommended the top cross bar material be 3 ft to accommodate the 19" width of the freestanding base. This will allow one person to walk easily on each side of the freestanding base.Tighten set screw or 3/8" bolt to secure tool to the concrete base when lowering into pre-dug hole.
The handle (1 ft length) can be made from angle iron, flat bar, or a square tube piece. For use with the freestanding base, it is recommended the top cross bar material be 3 ft to accommodate the 19" width of the freestanding base. This will allow one person to walk easily on each side of the freestanding base.
Tighten set screw or 3/8" bolt to secure tool to the concrete base when lowering into pre-dug hole.